Kind of a though question. None of the frameworks out there will have a solid answer for that.

Generally what I do in these kind of situations, is either use a session property (in the typed session ofcourse) to maintain state between pages, or I make sure that I can rebuild the state I need e.g. by using page parameters or passing the models I need. The first is cleaner as it doesn't force you to the page level, but you shouldn't just put everthing in your session.

An alternative way of looking at things is trying to avoid navigation from pages when you have to use cases you described, and work more with e.g. panel replacement etc.

If you come up with good idea's, please share!


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

Hi Guys,
Im building an application with a non-hirarchical navigation structure. I
need breadcrumbs so that users can easily back-navigate between pages. I am
wondering what you guys think is the best way to accomplish this with
Here are a couple of use cases:

1) A user can come to a search results page from a couple of different
search pages ( different criteria ). From the search results page the user
can go in and manipulate returned objects. I would like to keep the original
criteria page and the search results page in the breadcrumbs so that the
user can get back to them at any time: for example to begin working on a
different search result.

2) While filling out a form a user discovers that one of the options they
need is missing. The user then clicks the add option button and walks
through a wizard to add a new option, once the wizard is done the user goes
back to the form (with whatever values were entered before the wizard
3) A wizard that spins off another wizard.


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