Try changing the rendering strategy to REDIRECT_TO_RENDER and see if it works. I've had similiar problem and this solved it. But beware if you're using hibernate, redirect to render may cause problems with lazy initialized properties.

Johan Compagner wrote:

I have couple of questions:
1. Why there is the redirect? Why one more client-server round trip?
This redirect is the default redirect strategy that we use
You can set yours if you want to something different see ApplicationSettings RenderingStrategy

We use default the REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER
This has some advantages and you don't get that post message back when you refresh the page

2. Why the resulting page has wrong encoding? (The content type is utf-8,
but the generated content is not utf-8).

Then it seems that the browser doesn't send the right headers with that response in what type of encoding it wants it?? when it is responding to the redirect request? Can you check this with a sniffer?

Or does a servlet container response with the same encoding the browser sends something. But then all redirects could be gone bad because what does the browser send then?


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