You almost have ripped my code ;) But this is the way I did it, but I don`t 
have to subclass the extended class but use a toDisplayValue-strategy instead.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Matej Knopp
Sent: Sun 17-7-2005 0:41
Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] customize display-value for choicelist.

Hmm.. I've extended the ChoiceList class to get this behavior. It works,
but I really don't know if there's not a better solution for 1.0.

In 1.1 things have changed and ChoiceList will no longer exist. Johan
Compagner has posted details ~week ago.

As for 1.0, I've done it this way

public class ChoiceListExt extends ChoiceList {

     /** Creates a new instance of ExtChoiceList */
     public ChoiceListExt () {
         super ();

      * Creates a new instance of ExtChoiceList using given
      * collection.
      * @param choices - the wrapped collection
     public ChoiceListExt (final Collection choices) {
         super (choices);

     private class ExtChoice implements IChoice {
         /** The index of the choice */
         private final int index;

         /** The choice model object */
         private final Object object;

          * Constructor
          * @param object
          *            The object
          * @param index
          *            The index of the object in the choice list
         public ExtChoice (final Object object, final int index) {
             this.object = object;
             this.index = index;

          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.model.IChoice#getDisplayValue()
         public String getDisplayValue () {
             return ChoiceListExt.this.getDisplayValue (object);

          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.model.IChoice#getId()
         public String getId () {
             return Integer.toString (index);

          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.model.IChoice#getObject()
         public Object getObject () {
             return object;

      * Creates and returns new choice for object at given index.
      * @param index - index of desired object
      * @param object - this parameters is not used
     protected IChoice newChoice (final Object object, final int index) {
         return new ExtChoice (getList ().get (index), index);

      * Returns a string describing given object. This is the function
      * user should re-implement to allow arbitrary objects descriptions.
      * @param obj - the object
      * @return string describing the given object
     protected String getDisplayValue (Object obj) {
         return obj.toString ();

Creating anonymous instance of ChoiceListExt and overiding
getDisplayValue for each case.

Peter Veentjer - Anchor Men wrote:
> What is the easiest way to customize the display-valuefor the items in the 
> ChoiceList (except overriding the toString of the object itself)? I have been 
> looking through the sources (ChoiceListModel) but I can`t find an easy way. I 
> know I could write an implementation of the ChoiceList where I can control 
> the IChoice creation (and the toDisplayValue implementation) but sounds like 
> a lot of work for such a general problem.
> Maybe it would be an idea to add a toString strategy.
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