In 1.0 you have to override/implement the IChoiceList and make youre own IChoice objects for the TerminDetails class.

In 1.1 you can do this:

item.add(new DropDownChoice("zimmerart", new PropertyModel(person,
"aktArtikelZimmerart"), person.getAktArtikel().getSelectedTermin().getTerminDetails()), new 

If you are working a lot with dropdown choices please upgrade to 1.1 as soon as possible.
Because the code is completely rewritten for generating id/display values.


Johannes Fahrenkrug wrote:

I have another question about DropDownChoices.

I have a listview an in each row I have to fill 2 DropDownChoices.

The code looks like this:

item.add(new DropDownChoice("zimmerart", new PropertyModel(person,

Because I have to show a compound string of a label and a price in the
dropdownchoice, I overrode the toString method in the TerminDetails class.

Is there a different way to make customs label strings for each item in
a dropdownchoice besides overriding the toString method of that class?

- Johannes

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