

Johan Compagner wrote:

We now have:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final List choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

I want to change it to:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

So that you can use detachable models much more easy.

We could change it to:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IListDatasource choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

But this i don't think i want. Just use IModel everywhere and let the model object be specific to a certain interface if needed
Then with 1.5 we could say:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel<List> choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)
public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel<IListDatasource> choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

So anybody +1 or -1 for the change to List->IModel


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