Hmm.. couldn't there be both?

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final List choices,
                      final IChoiceRenderer renderer)
        this(id, model, new Model(choices), renderer)

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel
                      choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)


Johan Compagner wrote:
Don't know..
I still don't know what the vote count is for this one:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final List choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

change it to

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

So that you can use detachable models much more easy.

or change it to:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IListDatasource choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

But i think we are not there yet to introduce a IListDataSource interface.
And later on we could say:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel<IListDatasource> choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

So that the IModel needs a IListDatasource as its model object.
(what we also could do for listviews)

So i don't know what to do.
I think i personally want to change it to:

public AbstractChoice(final String id, IModel model, final IModel choices, final IChoiceRenderer renderer)

But i want it to do before the final of 1.1!!
I could do this this weekend so before 1.1RC or 1.1B2
I don't want to break Choice implementation again in 1.2 or when we are going to build on top of 1.5 then we could do things like introducing generics (which would be very nice anyway because we can then be type safe for all our IModel models)


Juergen Donnerstag wrote:

we did have fairly little changes recently which might indicate that
the major new changes are sufficiently stable. Still, there plenty of
(minor) RFEs and bugs. But because the major changes seem to be
stable, I'd go or RC1.


On 7/29/05, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We want to perform yet another release of the 1.1 development. Question
is: should we go to RC status or keep it still beta?

Fixed stuff currently in there:
 - better Ajax support (still experimental!)
 - public updateModel (for Ajax aware form fields)
 - file upload improvements
 - small stuff?


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