I still don't understand what you find so complex around a simple model
that handles the detach/attach for youre components.
To be honest I don`t think wrapping a single object can be called a model, it 
is just a wrapper. And I don`t have much problems with it personally (I have 
used Tapestry and it a lot more complex) but I`m not the only programmer that 
is going to use it. We want a tool that is easy to use, and doen`t have a lot 
of 'exceptions' in it. Try to explain why that 'model' is needed to someone 
that isn`t a professional at Hibernate/Wicket.

What are you willing to call for a component constructor?
like textfield: And you don't have to worry about the underlying detachable 
code.. That
just happens.
If you use the objects in a view this wouldn`t be much of a problem. But 
sometimes a Page needs objects that aren`t viewed, but are required in a 
'service' for example. Try to explain why that object now must be wrapped in a 
model.. altough you never use it as a model. You only use one feature of the 
model: dealing with detached objects.

Long session objects? Do you hold and jdbc connection completely under
the hood then also?
Is such a session serializable? Because that is pretty much a
requirement for everything you store in the HttpSession.
That is correct.

Long session objects or Long (transaction) jdbc connections aren't a
solution if you ask me.
And that is why I started this discussion :) I want to know why Wicket doesn`t 
do anything with long sessions. And I want to know why others (see 'Hibernate 
in Action' for example) say that for servlet based applications, a long session 
wouldn`t be a bad solution. I now have 2 alternative solutions and want to know 
the good and bad things about them.


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