On 8/12/05, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> > I would prefer that for pages which are not versioned and have only
> > one instance, the url would be built using context root + Page name.
> > Of course, page name should be uniqie, and I do not want to use full
> > package+class name.
> >
> > So, for signIn example, non-versioned home page would look like
> >   /signin/home
> > and non-versioned signin page would look like
> >   /signin/login
> >
> yes but this will not work
> You can have multiply instances of one page in a session
> A DetailPage displaying object A and one displaying object B

I just have mentioned before that this syntax is for non-versioned
single-instance pages. Versioned pages will get "version" parameter,
multiple-instance pages will get "path" parameter. Oh, by the way, I
know that semantically these are different, but is it possible to
combine indexes for "version" and "path" into one parameter (and
possibly to store internally in the one Map). The "path" numbers do
not mean anything for a user anyway, and they even increment with gaps
(if page has other components on it), so why not to use one parameter
for both?

Also, if DetailPage is defined in two different packages, and page
name is not defined, Wicket can build url based on full package name
or based on incremental index, like
  /myapp/DetailPage  for com.reports.DetailPage
  /myapp/DetailPage2  for com.customers.DetailPage

I will work on this if you are ok with this ;)

> another problem with /signin/xxx instead of /signin?xxxx
> is that the base is suddenly changing so all relative urls or the url
> generation
> must take that into account. So it is a big change.
> > If no one objects, I will give some attention to the urls, since ugly
> > urls drive me crazy ;-)
> >
> i and i know almost all core developers of wicket really don't care.
> Why is that so important ? I really don't get that.

It is friday so I can tell the joke. A guy comes to the doctor's
office. He knocks, opens the door, gets in. "What is that with you?",
asks the doctor. "I have a problem down there", answers the patient.
"Ok, take off your clothes and we'll see", tells him the doctor.

The patient takes off his coat, and carefully hangs it on the rack.
Takes off his suit, and carefully puts in on the back of a chair.
Takes off his pants, folds them and puts on the chair.

"So what is wrong?", asks the doctor. "You see doctor, my left
testicle is a little higher than my right testicle", shares the
patient. "Oh, don't bother about that, this happens to most men, this
is normal!", tells him the doctor.

"Right... But you see, it is a little inaccurate", replies patient.



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