
I have a new version of the Urls application (Spiral 12 = urls12) that uses a tree.
Thanks to Eelco for making it possible.

Some interesting features:
Categories of urls can now be browsed within a tree with expandable and shrinkable nodes (Home:Categories Tree). A member may now select a category of interest in the categories nested list simply by checking a category box (Home:Members:Interests).


Spiral 12 introduction::

Spiral 12 in action:

Spiral 12 zip file:

While testing the application I have discovered some strange things that I cannot explain.

A category removal produces an exception (but it removes the member) ?!
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at wicket.Component.setResponsePage(Component.java:1214)
at org.wicket.urls.app.view.category.CategoriesPage.update(CategoriesPage.java:156)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(Observable.java:142)

Corrected in CategoriesPage by:
// NullPointerException in removal
// setResponsePage(new CategoriesPage(parentCategory));
Page categoriesPage = new CategoriesPage(parentCategory);

After registering as a new member, the login is shown and not the home page (HomePage) ?! If you login, the registration form is shown again with empty fields and validation errors.
Use the Home link to leave the form (you have been already logged in).
If you are confused (as I am with the reason for this), login as a regular member (dr, dr)
or an administrator (admin, admin).

Regards to all,


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