This just works, but not totally as you might expect...

public MyForm(String id, FooBar foobar) {
   super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(foobar));
   add(new ListView("persons") {
       protected IModel getListItemModel(IModel model, int nr) {
return new CompoundPropertyModel(super.getListItemModel(model, nr));
       public void populateItem(ListItem item) {
           add(new TextField("name"));

Anders Peterson wrote:

Thanks very much for trying to help,

I have it working now, but I'm not happy with the code - it's not "correct".

It's the small, obvious, things that are difficult for beginners.

I had this:

new Model(tmpBrand.getName(), "name")

which of course did not work. Changing to this:

new PropertyModel(tmpBrand, "name")

made things work a lot better. ;-)

Now to the part I still don't understand. The only models I explicitly create are the ones I need to populate the rows in the ListView. The Form itself does not have a Model (that I created) and I feel it should.

How would you use a CompoundPropertyModel (with the form) when it contains a ListView?


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