> As you already can tell from my changes, this will require some big
> structural changes because currently Wicket is still very deeply
> entangled with the Servlet api.
> To be able to use Wicket in a Portlet context, *all* of that needs to
> be abstracted away to a generalized interface. And, although I will do
> my best to keep as much of the current public api intact, important
> changes will be required.


Welcome to the project and glad to see that you're adding portlet support;
it should be very nice.  I'm a very happy user...

I haven't had a chance to look at your code, but I did want to veryify
that you're not going to so anything that will prevent us from getting at
the HttpServletRequesst/HttpServletResponse (I'm ok if we need an extra
call or two).

I need to get access to it for two reasons:

1) To manually set and get cookies (e.g.,
getWebResponse().getHttpServletResponse().addCookie(cookie); )


2) To find the full URL that we were called with, since I use different
templates depending on which domain my site was accessed through (if the
user came to http://www.foo.com/ they'll see something different than if
they hit http://www.bar.com/ even though they're running the same code).
Wicket doesn't seem to provide any way to access this directly...

[BTW: Is the portlet support two-way: portlets can be treated as wicket
components?  So, I could have a <span wicket:id="portlet"> and then run an
arbitary portlet in that span?  That would be great!]

Thanks & best,

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