I don't know what it's called, but there is a widget you see in any number of applications (especially thick client ones, but some brower-based ones as well) that allows the user to move items between two lists. The lists are usually side-by-side with left and right arrows between to move items back and forth.

Our interface desinger wants one of those for the current application. It's not strictly necessary, in my opinion, since all we are doing is choosing a subset of a longish list. A multi-select list box would do the same thing. But it's not my decision.

I was wondering if there was such a component already available for Wicket. And if not, I would appreciate some advice on how to build one. One problem is that I don't want the entire list stored in the bean I'm using for my form model. Right now I have somthing on the order of

            List thingies = getAllThingies();

            add(new ListMultipleChoice("allThingies", thingies,
                new ChoiceRenderer("name", "id")).setMaxRows(10));

and I use the selected items of this component to update my bean. If I have two separate lists, how should I associate one with the bean but still supply the complete list to the page. Any suggestions?


  -- Scott

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