I was stepping through the wicket code trying to track down a problem with my page when I ran across some code. In MarkupContainer.children_add() there's this code:

                if (this.children == null)
                        this.children = child;
                        // Get current list size
                        final int size = children_size();

                        // Create array that holds size + 1 elements
                        final Component[] children = new Component[size + 1];

                        // Loop through existing children copying them
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                                children[i] = children_get(i);

                        // Add new child to the end
                        children[size] = child;

                        // Save new children
                        this.children = children;

It's look to me like a great case for System.arraycopy(). Now, i'm not all that familiar with the code so maybe there's a good reason for this, but I don't think i've ever seen a loop like this outperform System.arraycopy(). And perhaps it could use a List or a Set rather than an array since many of the operations are already provided. Likewise children_get() does full array scans looking for an item by ID when using a map would give much better performance. But perhaps it was decided that the lists would likely be small enough not to matter. But I can see this kind of thing adding up to some significant time in some cases. Maybe there are some good decisions behind this code, but it doesn't appear to be documented anywhere.

Anyway, not to nit pick, I just saw that code and had to bring it up.

Justin Lee
AIM : evan chooly

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