Hi all,


It seems like every time you go to a Page, via click on a Link on a page or by setting setResponsePage(…) method

You always create a new page. And this new page will end up added to the PageMap of the current Session.


My question is, why do we have to create a new page every time?  If no, we don’t have to create a new page every time

Then How do you set response page to an existing page in PageMap? … and Is there any common pratices and howto

Example that I can refer to?


My reason for asking these question is because the overhead of constructing a new page on every single request can

Be a performance issues and that I need to understand the issues to make recommendation.


Thanks for any help.




"The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance." -Confucius


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