The purpose is to conditionally select one block of html from two or more blocks to be rendered. Is this possible with WebMarkupContainer?

2005/10/8, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
WebMarkupContainer are what you call inline container. Usage is not
exactly like you described, because WebMarkupContainer basically is
equall to an open-body-close tag like
<span wicket:id="panel1">

And anything you like can go inside.


On 10/8/05, Arto Arffman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand it right, Panels are the easiest way to include conditional
> blocks of html into a page. Well, I hate to make a html template for each
> Panel separately. It would be nice if you could define the template inside
> the page's template, like this:
> <html>
> some  normal stuff
> <span wicket:id="somePanel">
>    <wicket:panel name="viewSomething>
>        <span wicket:id="something">Something comes here</span>
>    </wicket:panel>
>    <wicket:panel name="editSomething>
>        <input type="text" wicket:id="something">
>    </wicket:panel>
> </span>
> And then you would create your panel like this:
> Panel p = new Panel("somePanel", "viewSomething");
> p.add(new Label("something", mymodel));
> or
> Panel p = new Panel("somePanel", "editSomething");
> p.add(new TextField("something", mymodel));
> If this kind of inline definition is too hard to implement could it at least
> be possible to create a component which can choose the template from a set
> of <wicket:panel>'s.
> /Arto

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