> >> 2) to use the page factory your pages can only have the default or 
> >> PageParameter constructors. This prevents you from doing 
> things like 
> >> setResponsePage(new EditUserPage(userId));
> That is the price to pay for IoC: you have to let the factory 
> create the beans.
> BTW I don't think setResponsePage(new ...Page()) is so much 
> useful afterall, since AFAIK it prevents bookmarkable links.

Yes, it prevents bookmarkable pages, but do you need every page to be a
bookmarkable page? An EditUserPage for example cannot be bookmarkable
because it needs to know which user to edit. If you start putting
information like the userId into PageParameters you are creating
soft-dependencies just like urls. A constructor EditUserPage(long userId) is
much more understandable instead of EditUserPage(PageParameters p);


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