onBeginRequest() happens before rendering, so whats the problem with putting code there ? And Sometimes I am forced to do this, for example if I have to access Authentication specific data (like username, etc) which should only be done after checkAccess() ensures there is an authenticated user. I hope what you mention in Wicket 1.2 will address such concerns.

On 11/26/05, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i wouldn't do page initialisation in another place then the consrtuctor
or maybe do it in checkaccess only i cant tell at the moment if that
is to late (you cant change the structure of the page in the render

if you want to check access before an initialised page i think you
have to use a factory for that. so every where you create a page call
a factory that creates the page for you
Wicket in the 1.2 stream also now has (or beginning to have) security
feattures you can look at.

wat is in youre place the deciding factor which page can be
viewed/created? Is it just the page class name?

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