
I have no clear answer and managed means a lot of different things to different people. As you know this can reach from something very basic like a Pico container through Tapestry up to an EJB or OSGi container. Basicly it means that there is some manager which takes care for the managed objects of general purpose services like livecycle-management, configuration, threading, pooling etc. Where the services of course can vary depending on the degree of management.

There are good reasons for having this, but it comes AFAIK always at the cost that the objects (ie Pages) and the user of the objects have to follow a certain contract. Basicly you can not just call new YourComponent() and go. But would either let the container create the component, register the component with the container, write some xml or something else - all depending on the container of course.

Beside that I do not see any reason making wicket currently managed IMO the biggest problem of making Wicket manageable would be to define what the container should do, how to involve the container and get an agreement on all this without breaking backwards compatibility - and all that without a real pressing use-case.

So I'd just say as long as it works the way it does it would consume too much resoucres - without any need.

Just my 2c.


On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 17:15:21 +0100, Laurent PETIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a question that I never asked before, but as time passes, I
still have the same question in mind, so there I am (hope this is not
a too stupid question) :

On 12/7/05, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i dont really know if this is a place we want to take wicket because it
would make it a bit more managed.

What is so bad with Wicket being a bit, or a lot, .. "managed" ?

What would this prevent ? ...

I'm pretty sure you have a clear answer for that, and maybe it should
be clear to me too, so if you have time please tell me, or send me to
internet urls where this has (potentially) been (over ?)debated in the
past ... ?

Thanks in advance,


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