just to clarify, wicket generates the table correctly, but clicking the links raises the problem. This is the generated html :

<tr class="odd" wicket:id="rows">
        <td wicket:id="cells">
            <span wicket:id="cell">some message</span>
        </td><td wicket:id="cells">
            <span wicket:id="cell"><wicket:panel>
    <a href="" wicket:id="viewLink">
    <a href="" wicket:id="editLink">

I dunno , maybe Im doing something stupid. But how could the link generate an incorrect reference to itself ? ( since the onClick() method doesnt even get called ) 
Also, I'm using all this stuff with wicket 1.1 and I managed to get the phonebook app working without any problem.

On 12/16/05, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
i need to see more code and html templates. so far looks like you are doing everything correctly.

On 12/16/05, Iman Rahmatizadeh < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am :

        iColumns[3] = new FilteredAbstractColumn(new Model("Links")) {
            public void populateItem(final Item cellItem, final String componentId, final IModel model) {
here -->     cellItem.add(new LinkedPanel(componentId, ...));

            public Component getFilter(String componentId, FilterForm form) {
                return new GoAndClearFilter(componentId, form);

and inside the LinkedPanel constructor :

public LinkedPanel (String id, .... )  {
            Link link = new Link("viewLink") {
                public void onClick() {
                    setResponsePage(new SomeOtherPage());
            Link link2 = new Link("editLink") {
                public void onClick() {
                    setResponsePage(new SomeOtherPage());

In fact, adding links to the page generate correct links.

On 12/16/05, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It looks like your are not adding the link to ListItem.


On 12/16/05, Iman Rahmatizadeh < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm setting up a simple table, with some links in a column. When clicking on
> the links generated, I see an InternalErrorPage, and wicket logs something
> like :
>  <No component found for 8:fields:rows:2:cells:6:cell>
>  where my html has:
> <table wicket:id="fields" class="grid">
> </table>
>  as I play with the component path it seems the path until the 'rows' part
> works, but after that no component is found.
> As I (think) have done everything just like the phonebook example,Is there a
> way i can find out what the problem is ?
> Iman

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