1> the number is the page number of the page that is in a pagemap You can see it as the the first component id of the tree.

2> no it checks for markup changes. if you change a class in developerment then that is the responsibitiy of youre IDE that you use (eclipse/netbeans) to hotswap the class change for you.
  I never depend on the class reloading (then you reload the complete webapplication) of a servlet container..

3> It is pure for the backbutton support. For example you have a page with some components and that page you change if for example you click a link on that page
and in that onClick you replace a component on that page or set something to visible (or not) then that replace or visibilty change is recorded
If then the user goes back with the backbutton and does some kind of call again to that page. We rollback the change before youre event handler is called.


On 12/22/05, karthik Guru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried searching the mailing list archives and somehow am not able to find a satisfying answer to my questions.
1. What is path=<some_number> that i see in the URL. I see it incrementing. But I dont understand what that is. How does it relate to PageMap ? Igor replied that PageMap is where wicket maintains the page instances for a session following a MRU algorithm and that sounds fine.
2. getSettings.configure("development") - > Does it reload changes to Page classes as well in addition to HTML templates? I thought the webapplication classloader controls the re-loading of modified classes. But if Wicket does it then wow!
3. What is the 'version' ing thingy that you guys often refer to in your posts. I can see that its value is set to 10 by default in the ApplicationSettings though but am not sure in what way it is helpful.
thank you,

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