In my case, I don't even need authorization exceptions. It looks like this:
for (Action a : entity.getActions()) {
add(new ActionButton(a));
So for every link/button you have you have a listview and/or panels in wicket?
Because you can't just not add a button/link if it is specified in the markup.
Or add one that isn't specified in the markup.
The problem when you use for these kind of things listviews/repeaters is that design is again must harder to do.
I like that a designer can design the complete page including all the menu's and menuitems so that that page
has all the features.
Then in wicket we will add all menus/menuitems but the security framework will let them render or not.
These links mostly don't have a model, it only points to another page class and that page class is specified in the security settings
that a user can see that page or not and based on that the link is not rendered.. So no model data nothing is specified for this
just pure wicket stuff.
This is in my case a very common usecase.