you would download wicket-examples, then either start them using builtin jetty or deploy them as war

go to the main page

choose ajax examples

i believe the last link will be Form Example

thats where it is.


On 2/15/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well i cant find that in the example archive i downloaded, could yu pls help me with a link?

On 2/15/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
have a look at the wicket-examples/ajax/Form example

it validates the form and updates all feedback in onblur js event of all form components.


On 2/15/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I used the ImmediateTextfield as a quick postal code lookup tool in an application but really is there a way to get an ImmediateFeedback Panel that auto refreshes based on a server callback . how can i implement that with the present release?


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