The problem is not present in 1.2 HEAD.

On 19 Feb 2006, at 16:43, Christian Hvid wrote:


Is there any sensible explanation for the following:

I am writing a comments component with the following view / controller:




    <div wicket:id="comments">
        <span wicket:id="text"></span><br/>
        -- <span wicket:id="user"></span>

    <div class="Edit">
<input type="button" value="&nbsp;&nbsp;Add Comment&nbsp;&nbsp;"/>



public class Comments extends Panel {
    static class Comment {
        String text;
        String user;
        Date date;
        Comment(String text, String user, Date date) {
            this.text = text;
            this.user = user;
   = date;
    private List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>();
    public Comments(String id) {

comments.add(new Comment("Aloha Hawaii", "peter", new Date ()));

        add(new ListView("comments", comments) {
            public void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
                Comment comment = (Comment)listItem.getModelObject();

                listItem.add(new Label("text", comment.text));
                listItem.add(new Label("user", comment.user));


Which works fine.

However if change the div tag to a p tag for the list view:




    <p wicket:id="comments">
        <span wicket:id="text"></span><br/>
        -- <span wicket:id="user"></span>

    <div class="Edit">
<input type="button" value="&nbsp;&nbsp;Add Comment&nbsp;&nbsp;"/>



The code breaks with a wicket.markup.MarkupException saying that it cannot find component with id text - eventhough it is quite obviously there.

I am using wicket 1.1.1.

-- Christian

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