To expand a little on what Igor said, you basically want to create two Panels, one for the cancellation type and one for the adjustment type.  Then you can use a ListView.  In the ListView populateItem method, add whichever Panel you need based on whatever factors you use and make sure to use the same id for both types of panels, like this:

if (item.isCancellation())
   listItem.add(new CancellationPanel("myPanelId"));
   listItem.add(new AdjustmentPanel("myPanelId"));

In your HTML:

<... wicket:id="yourList">
    <span wicket:id="myPanelId"/>

Hope this helps,


On 2/20/06, Igor Vaynberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
dont think you need a special imodel or anything here.
just use a listview for the order lines and based on the order line type include a proper panel that represents that order line type.


On 2/20/06, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm entirely new to Wicket, and thus far impressed with what it seems
to offer.  I've put together a couple of sample pages and now I want
to create a sample for my co-workers that re-works one of our existing
pages via Wicket.  (Our home-grown template engine has become a pain
point).  This page comes in two varieties, so it seems like a fine
opportunity for an abstract page with two concrete implementations.

It looks like this:

    customer info

    order info

    order line
    order line
    order line

The order lines differ as follows:

1) cancellation variety --

    checkbox  itemName  quantity  itemCost  cancellationFee  refundAmount

(where the refundAmount = quantity*itemCost-cancellationFee, and the
cancellationFee is editable)

2) adjustment variety --

    checkbox  itemName  quantity  itemCost  itemAdjustment  refundAmount

(refundAmount = quantity*itemAdjustment, where the itemAdjustment is editable)

At this point I want to know whether best-practice is to:

1. Create a IModel for the refundLine and a component for the refundLine
2. Create a IModel for each piece of the refund line and use standard
html components
3. Hybrid: one IModel for the refundLine that is share among various
standard components -- is this even possible?

Additionally, the examples make it pretty clear how components fit
into a package structure -- but how do folk tend to structure the
packages for their IModel implementations?

Feel free to simply point me toward a corner of the Wiki or a
JavaLobby article that I haven't come across yet.  I don't want to
waste anyone's time.

Many thanks,

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