And when must the version be bumped up one?
When the model of the listview changes?
See the modelChanging can modelChanged() events. That will up the version number.
On 2/25/06, Robert McClay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using Wicket 1.1. I have a page with 1 constructor (no default
public ChoiceListDetailPage(final Page backPage, final ChoiceList detail)
I construct and then go to the page from a bookmarkable list page. The
new page doesn't handle versioning correctly though. It is the same as
its parent page but it isn't bookmarkable. It contains a ListView that
needs to be versioned, but even though I say
listView.setVersioned (true) the version number for the list is never
incremented. The listview's model is a LoadableDetachableModel
generated from database records fresh each time.
Any ideas? Why does it work on a bookmarkable page but not on one that isn't?
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