first of all a page has a version number not the listview.
And when must the version be bumped up one?
When the model of the listview changes?
See the modelChanging can modelChanged() events. That will up the version number.


On 2/25/06, Robert McClay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using Wicket 1.1. I have a page with 1 constructor (no default

public ChoiceListDetailPage(final Page backPage, final ChoiceList detail)

I construct and then go to the page from a bookmarkable list page. The
new page doesn't handle versioning correctly though. It is the same as
its parent page but it isn't bookmarkable. It contains a ListView that
needs to be versioned, but even though I say
listView.setVersioned (true) the version number for the list is never
incremented. The listview's model is a LoadableDetachableModel
generated from database records fresh each time.

Any ideas? Why does it work on a bookmarkable page but not on one that isn't?


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