Then the Resources are also not there yet in the SharedResources.
And static blocks are then completely evil! Because the static part:
PackageResourceReference resource = new PackageResourceReference ();
will pretty much fail because the class is loaded before there is an application object
becaue it is loaded by the servlet container when it is deserializing the sessions.
On 2/27/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1) is just a reference, you need to bind the object first like you do in 2)
the initializer is also needed for clustering, it is a better place to do the binding then static blocks somewhere.
javadoc from IInitializer
* Initializes something when application loads
* Initializer is there for clustering. Lets say you access a page that has a
* link to a packaged resource on node A now the url for the resource gets
* forwarded to node B, but node B doesnt have the resource registered yet
* because maybe the page class hasn't been loaded and so its static block
* hasn't run yet. So the initializer is a place for you to register all those
* resources and do all the stuff you used to do in the static blocks.
-IgorOn 2/26/06, karthik Guru < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I have done this -
<script wicket:id="myscript" type="text/_javascript_" src=""></wicket:head>
add(new _javascript_Reference("myscript", MyPanel.class , "myscript.js"));
But I have seem something like this as well that goes with the above.
public void init(Application application){
PackageResource.bind(application, MyPanel.class , "myscript.js");
What does 2) do that 1) does'nt. and when w'd i use either/or or need both?
-- karthik --
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