Supply the two classes in the patch section of sourceforge (no need to make a diff though), we'll take care of the rest.


On 2/27/06, Nick Heudecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Certainly, although it can probably be Wicket-ified some more.  I can also contribute a time selector I wrote.  Where should I put them? 

On 2/27/06, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you willing to donate your form component? I can see that there is some interest in the component you created.


On 2/27/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
please just a suggestion about Date Components. Is it possible to have a FormComponent for Date that is rendered as 3 combo boxes with Year | Month | Date in a drop down combos, so that when you attach that FormComponent, it will render 3 combo boxes for Year | Month | Date and then when you submit, it will internally convert the selected values in each combo boxex into the Date Objects.
I think this option will also be great especially in anticipation of _javascript_ issues with DatePicker components.

On 2/26/06, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I looked at the Yahoo components and I like them a lot. I started
working on a yui (Yahoo UI library) package in extensions, an example
in wicket-examples, and picked Calendar as the first component. It's
very crude still, but it looks like that yahoo stuff is going to save
our day :)

The only thing I am lacking is time. I am enclosing what I worked on
(it's in CVS too, but it'll  take a few hours to show up) and I am
hoping on some participation. First step is to look at what I did, and
think what way you'd like it to evolve. Of course just a patch to make
it work in a form, have CSS styles work properly and an extension,
DatePicker that let's you select a date and put it in some other field
is more than welcome too! ;) Or the tree. Or...


On 2/24/06, Eelco Hillenius < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> There's a bunch of problems with DatePicker poppin up. In fact, there
> have been problems with it's localization support from the start, but
> I hoped they would be fixed with a new version of jscalendar for which
> the datepicker component is just a wrapper. However, the last release
> of that thing was almost a year ago, and I don't feel confident there
> will be any release soon.
> I'd like to propose an alternative to jscalendar. One that has
> robusteness over number of features, though I have no problem with
> that thing looking nice.
> One of the candidates that looks good to me is the yahoo calendar,
> Anyone played
> around with that? If that's good, and some other yahoo components are
> too (they sure look good to me), we could create a couple of
> Yahoo/Wicket components. My plan would be to deprecate the current
> date picker - fix bugs if anyone can submit patches, but I'm too short
> of time to go after that myself - and create a
> package for all yahoo components
> ( e.g. we would have
> Also, my plan would be to make using these components super easy to
> use. If I look at the current DatePicker implementation, I believe I
> took it too far in trying to support a large part of the jscalendar
> API. New implementations should be far simpler and more limited to
> what it can do by default. If people want more fancy stuff, they could
> extend such a component and learn from the implementation how to take
> their component further.
> Thoughts, suggestions?
> Eelco

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