Never mind, I found it., Project info -
Sourceforge, download pages


"jan_bar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> how can I access the snapshot downloads? Currently I have to go the the
> Wicket downloads area and remove the package_id parameter from Url. I this
> way I get all packages, including snapshots. There must be simpler way.
> Thanks, Jan
> "Martijn Dashorst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> All,
> I have uploaded a new snapshot release for a lot of Wicket projects:
>  o wicket
>  o wicket-extensions
>  o wicket-examples
>  o wicket-spring
>  o wicket-spring-annot
>  o wicket-spring-examples
>  o wicket-spring-annot-examples
>  o wicket-auth-roles
>  o wicket-auth-roles-examples
> They have all been created using maven 2. It is our intention to move
> our build system to maven 2, at least for the core projects.
> Most notable changes to wicket:
>  o ajax paging navigator
>  o new date picker (Yahoo), old datepicker has been deprecated
>  o maven 2 build system: much faster build times!
>  o markup fragments (inline panels)
>  o and of course the first downloadable releases of the spring and
> authorization projects
> Please help test our new build system, and try these packages. I have
> done the most I can to make sure everything is in there, but things
> may be missing.
> If anyone has time and interest in a maven 2 build, please take a look
> at the yet unreleased wicket-spring-cattr and
> wicket-spring-cattr-examples project. They have a specific dependency
> on commons-attributes-plugin to modify source code. I have tried to
> get this one to build, but didn't manage to make it work. If anyone
> can add this feature to the examples project, then we'd be very
> thankful.
> Have fun!
> Martijn
> --
> Living a wicket life...
> Martijn Dashorst -
> Wicket 1.1.1 is out:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting
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> and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting
> that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live
> and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding

This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory!
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