What test i do with the "/.temp/www" context path it works always.

I tested in the the PrependContextPathHandlerTest we have in our unit test.
And also when i do this in our FormInputApplication.init() method example:


Then the stylesheet is altered right:

    <link href
="/.temp/www/style.css" type="text/css" rel=

So i have no idea what goes wrong at youre place but i can't reproduce it.


On 2/28/06, David Leangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hrm, maybe its a problem with our prepender. it does look like its
> prepending the / but nothing after that, maybe the "." that is
> screwing it up. try calling getApplicationSettings().setContextPath
> ("/.temp/www") in your application.init() method. if that works then i
> will assume its a problem in our prepender and see if i can fix it.

Unfortunately, still the same thing... :-(

Even if I set the context path explicitly as you mention above, only "/"
is being prepended, not the entire context path.

> as far as the css links go wicket will only prepend static markup in
> the .html file,  not the one you generate, so there you have to do it
> manually. to put it another way, currently it is a preprocessor not a
> postprocessor.

So I'd need to mount this like I would with my class pages? Is that what
you're saying?

Or I'd have to manually write in the context path as part of the link?

Thanks so much!

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