the trick is to append a random number as a query parameter. that way the browser has to fetch it again because it thinks its a different document.


On 2/28/06, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Set the headers on the response.

The browser support is a bit flaky as I understand it, from the numerous caching problems with pages across browsers (safari, IE and FF work differently).


On 2/28/06, Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

On one page I'm displaying dynamic charts (JFreeChart) as images. The
charts, the data they're based on, are constantly changed by the users.

The problem (as I understand it): The web browser doesn't know that the
image has changed and therefore (sometimes) uses a cached image. Which
means incorrect data is displayed.

How can I make sure the browser always asks for a fresh image?


Image tmpImage2 = new Image("image2", new SpclChartResource() {

        public AbstractChartFactory getFactory() {


        DefaultCategoryDatasetFactory retVal = new DefaultCategoryDatasetFactory();

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