Therefore , if I open PersonPanel.html with DreamWeaver or HTML editor , it 
will report resource not found error.
How to solve it ?

Seems to be related to my problem sent immediately before your posting. To load markups from a different location, please take a look at my code sample.

Best regards,
Thomas Singer

smallufo schrieb:
Hi , I am new to Wicket.
I learn Wicket from the three tutorials in JavaLobby .
In the third tutorial : Let Components Contribute to the Header Section
( )
The author added to PersonPanel.html

**<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/sorttable.js"></script>


the src="..." seems should be relative to the context root , not relative to the HTML file.

Therefore , if I open PersonPanel.html with DreamWeaver or HTML editor , it will report resource not found error.
How to solve it ?

I think this problem will also occur in <IMG> tag...

I remember when I used Tapestry (long ago , about 2 years) , it can "deliver" resources from within WEB-INF/classes/.... That is , I can easily put JavaScripts, Images , and HTML files in to src/classes folder , writing relative resources and correct intepreted by HTML editor , and tapestry can handle it... just like this :


Will Wicket allow this ?

PS : I know this may be resolved by moving src outside WEB-INF (up one directory) , but I just get used to put src into WEB-INF... (because outside WEB-INF is accessable by web server... , not secure)

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