And programatically you can do:

         * @see 
        public void renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer container)
                                "init" + javaScriptComponentName + "();");

Use with care though.


On 2/28/06, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In 1.1.1 <body> has a special wicket container associated. I assume
> you have Panel and that Panel has some <wicket:head> to contribute
> something to the pages header. Than simply add a <body onLoad="xxx" to
> your panel and your done.
> <wicket:head>
>    javascript
> </wicket:head>
> <body onLoad="functionX()">
> <wicket:panel>
>   ...
> </wicket:panel>
> </body>
> Juergen
> On 2/28/06, Timo Stamm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> >
> > I have to modify the onload attribute of the body tag. I thought it
> > would be sufficient to add a new WebMarkupContainer in my base Page and
> > link it to the body tag in the markup.
> >
> > But unfortunately it doesn't seem to be so easy. (I have to override the
> > "add" methods of Page, and Wicket compains about that.)
> >
> >
> > Is there a recommended way?
> >
> >
> > Timo
> >
> >
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