Thanks Johan,

(I cannot indent your message, because it is not plain text). I have exactly
the situation you describe. I use the REDIREC_TO_BUFFER, invalidate a page a
no redirect. With Jetty I get "session expired" page, which is expected, but
with Tomcat I get back the original page. Only after subsequent refresh or
button click I get the "session expired". This is due to the fact, that the
buffered response was not cleared from the map.


"Johan Compagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
that map doesn't really matter
it is only filled with something if we send out a client side redirect to a
page that we already renderd (REDIREC_TO_BUFFER)

So it will only go "wrong" if the session got invalidated in a request then
a redirect is done to a page that was created for that request
But i guess this is maybe even wat you want because maybe it is the ByeBye

The problem is that a buffered response isn't even checked for a new session
(or better said not yet created session)
because we don't create the session at that time..

We could stored those redirect buffers in the session, but we don't want
that because the session could be clusted ect and then it is constanlty
touched and updated and therefor replicated.


On 3/2/06, jan_bar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I created a little application that tests various session behaviour. I
notied something interesting with Tomcat. When session is invalidated and
browser sends request to Tomcat with session id in cookie (the session was
invalidated), Tomcat doesn't create new session with new id, it just reuse
the session id. Just to be clean about that, here is part of the log:

PersistentSessionListener.sessionCreated(), id =
PersistentSessionListener.sessionDestroyed(), id =
PersistentSessionListener.sessionCreated(), id =

Even if suprising behaviour, it is in my opinion correct. Why to generate
new session id when I can reuse the already generated one?

And now to the point. It seems to me that Wicket 1.1.1 is not prepared to
handle this correctly, for instance the WebApplication.redirectMap contains
entries, that are not valid for the new session if it has the same id.

Can someone confirm this?

I use JBoss 4.0.3SP1

Thanks, Jan

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