to set the name, but im not sure why it doesnt work when the name is set. if you dont mind please file a bug and one of us will look into it later.


On 3/2/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hmm works thanks... so wats the setWindowName() for...anyway

On 3/2/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
try without the setWindowName()


On 3/2/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

How easy can it get...I did this and got no popups..any tips?

        plink = new PageLink("popwin",new ImageViewer());
        PopupSettings p = new PopupSettings();
        p.setWidth(300).setHeight(300).setTop(23).setWindowName("Image Preview");

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