Though felix is interesting too because we have several people using
it and not everyone uses Eclipse (including the committers).

Can we have both? :)


On 3/7/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think i speak for most committers when i say:
> equinox would be easier because it can be launched directly from the eclipse
> ide which we all use and the project's debug/run settings contain all the
> necessary bundles and configuration. so to launch from eclipse you just
> press the debug icon and presto.
> also if we are messing with having things in different bundles eclipse makes
> it easier. each bundle can be an eclipse project, and in the launch config
> you can select which bundles you want included through a simple checkbox
> gui. so its really easy to launch with different bundle sets.
> maybe it can be setup the same with felix i dont know. but the less
> tinkering we have to do with the miscaleneous issues the more time we have
> for the project itself.
> if it is easiest for you to get it going with felix lets do that first, and
> then later see how we can move it over to equinox, or maybe it will work
> just great with eclipse+felix w/out too much tinkering.
> -Igor
> On 3/7/06, David Leangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > what would be great to start is for someone to setup a quickstart that
> > > actually launches from inside eclipse equinox with the appropriate
> > > eclipse project file/mvn pom. once all the setup is done, we (the
> > > committers and anyone else who is interested) can start hacking on it
> > > because you can provide us with specific usecases that are difficult.
> > > but until we have that base to test things out on i think its
> > > difficult to go forward.
> >
> > Ok, sounds like a plan.
> >
> > I'll see what I can put together. Using Felix as the OSGi container
> > would probably be easiest.
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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