There's already people trying wicket on Glassfish:

(the article has very little details, though)


On 3/9/06, Shreedhar Ganapathy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Johan.  I'll look for your blog on this. Do drop me a line when you get to it.

Although GlassFish is officially still in single instance mode with formal clustering support slated for later,   one can always have two or more instances with identical configurations fronted by Apache and  load balance with mod_jk. I admit step by step documentation is not there yet for that.  Will revert back to you as soon as one is available.

Perhaps the following two links might help meantime.

Thanks again

Johan Compagner wrote:
I haven't tried glassfish with wicket yet, but i will have a look at it.
I did look through some docs of glassfish how easy it was to setup a cluster
with 2 app servers and a balancer. But couldn't find step by step documentation
So i used for that resin which is very simple to setup with a resin balancer
and 2 instances of resin servers (sharing the same installation/config files)

But will look at it again.


On 3/9/06, Shreedhar Ganapathy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am part of the GlassFish project, an open community, led by Sun
Microsystems that is developing an open source application server based
on Java EE 5. ( ).

We are looking to showcase popular frameworks, and apps that can
deployed and run on GlassFish by featuring blogs and articles.
Such references have the dual benefit of growing the adoption of both
the frameworks themselves, and GlassFish with the added benefit of
identifying any bugs/issues.

In this regard, could you share pointers to any of articles or blogs
covering your experiences with deploying and running on any build of
GlassFish with Wicket based apps?

best regards

Shreedhar Ganapathy
Staff Engineer,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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Monterrey NL, Mexico

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