Well, I have used different approach; with _javascript_ you can scroll to where you were before hitting submit. I once posted a behaviour that automatically takes care of that. I found it from archives ( http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13241596). That was done for 1.1 and it could be more elegant. But you can use it for a starter and develop it a bit further. Of course you should use anchors, if _javascript_-free solution is required.

2006/3/12, kurt heston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've got a page with multiple forms.  Every time I press a submit
button, the browser starts me at the top of the page again.  I then have
to scroll back to where I want to be.  Is there a way to set an anchor
name to land on (in the URL) in the onSubmit method so the browser
auto-scrolls to where I want to be?

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