If I might ask, what are the known (major) problem-areas, if any, in Wicket 1.2?  What are the serious known bugs?  I'd like to be developing in 1.2 myself but if there are some serious problems, I'd rather wait.

My project is due to go into production in *exactly* one month...so I'm not sure if I should just wait until 1.2 is more mature?

Will 1.2 be released w/ a decent change log of differences between 1.1.1 and 1.2?


On 3/17/06, Nino Wael < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, thanks. That sound perfect.

-regards Nino

        -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
        Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Johan Compagner
        Sendt: fr 17-03-2006 11:51
        Til: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net
        Emne: Re: [Wicket-user] wicket 1.1.1: specifiying style on radiochoice or dropdownchoice

        if you are just developing and youre application doesn't have to go live with 1 month or so
        i would build in 1.2. We will break out another beta this weekend and then we will go into RC mode.


        On 3/17/06, Nino Wael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

                Hmm, how far is 1.2 from going stable, is possible to get a status on that?

                Im in the midst of developing could I just switch to 1.2?

                        -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
                        Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Johan Compagner
                        Sendt: fr 17-03-2006 11:05
                        Til: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net
                        Emne: Re: [Wicket-user] wicket 1.1.1: specifiying style on radiochoice or dropdownchoice

                        don't know currently for 1.1.1 but in 1.2 we have selection change support in RadioGroup.


                        On 3/17/06, Nino Wael < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

                                On my RadioChoice I make use of the onSelectionChanged, I cant find a method to do this on Radio/RadioGroup so I guess I need to implement this aswell?


                                        -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
                                        Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Igor Vaynberg
                                        Sendt: fr 17-03-2006 09:46
                                        Til: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net
                                        Emne: Re: [Wicket-user] wicket 1.1.1: specifiying style on radiochoice or dropdownchoice

                                        you can add an attribute modifier that will insert the style attribute for dropdownchoice. for radiochoice you cant since it is in total control of the markup, if you want to style it you can use Radio/RadioGroup components instead.


                                        On 3/17/06, Nino Wael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


                                                How do I specify a style for radiochoice or dropdownchoice , do I need to create my own class and create a constructor which takes a style as a string and then adds it to the html ?

                                                -regards Nino

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