I have been on the waitinglist for the old Wicket releases as well. Could take a couple of days, or sometimes more than a week.

Carlos Sanches is usually the guy that takes care of the uploads. I guess they wait for several uploads to process them. Would make it more efficient. And they are quite busy working on Maven 2.0.3 if I'm not mistaken.


On 3/23/06, Nathan Hamblen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's in order is for a certain Maven project member to attend to his
upload queue. Until he does that, my shiny new 0.4 site would lead
people down a path of certain "Failed to resolve artifact" errors.

I'm glad to hear you're considering Databinder for a project. The 0.4
sources and examples are all linked from that post I mentioned below,
but for evaluating the library version 0.3 featured at databinder.net is
probably just as good. The only big Hibernate change in the new version
is support for single object query strings (for fetch joins and scalar


Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> Nathan,
> Your databinder site is still on 0.3, I guess a 'mvn site-deploy' is in
> order ;-)
> Hmm.. you are making me wonder. A small project is starting next week,
> and I'm thinking about taking the spring route. But perhaps this is more
> to the point.
> Damnit... time why oh why is there so little time.
> Martijn
> On 3/23/06, *Nathan Hamblen* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> wrote:
>     (Sorry if this double-posts... listserv seems to have eaten my first
>     msg)
>     Allright, you can consider that problem FIXED. I've has instituted a
>     contingency plan for Databinder 0.4 that doesn't depend on Maven upload
>     requests:
>     http://technically.us/n8/articles/2006/03/22/databinder-0-4-go-n-get-it
>     Nathan
>     On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 05:34 -0800, Ayodeji Aladejebi wrote:
>      > thanks for this news anyway....i have used databinder with wicket 1.1
>      > but the moment i switched to wicket 1.2..it broke the app. but it
>     will
>      > be great news to know he will port it to wicket 1.2 soon
>      > thanks
>      >

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