Got it, thanks.  It's confusing that it doesn't work like I described, even though the method can be overridden.  It'd be convenient to be able to do it how I posed verses doing this:

        //create calendar
        List<String> days = DateTime.getDaysListForward(2, 4);
        DropDownChoice arrivalChoices = new DropDownChoice("arrivalDate", days)
            protected String getDefaultChoice(final Object selected)
                return ""; //get rid of "Choose One" default
        arrivalChoices.setChoiceRenderer(new IChoiceRenderer()
            public String getDisplayValue(Object object)
                return object.toString();
            public String getIdValue(Object object, int index)
                return object.toString();

On 3/30/06, Igor Vaynberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
you are putting getDefaultChoice into the renderer, when it actually belongs in the DropDownChoice


On 3/30/06, Vincent Jenks < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The code...

        //create calendar
        List<String> days = DateTime.getDaysListForward(2, 4);
        //add quantity select list                       
        form.add(new DropDownChoice("arrivalDate", days, new IChoiceRenderer()
            protected String getDefaultChoice(final Object selected)
        return ""; //get rid of "Choose One" default
            public String getDisplayValue(Object object)
                return object.toString();
            public String getIdValue(Object object, int index)
                return object.toString ();

When rendered...I still get the "Choose One" option first.  Did I lose too much sleep last night...what did I miss?

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