Igor is right, IComponentResolver does it already. Please see
SimpleListView in the displaytag examples.


On 4/3/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> not sure your patch is necessary. you can probably do the same with:
> DynamicMarkupContainer extends MarkupContainer implements IComponentResolver
> {
> .......
> -Igor
>  On 4/3/06, Arto Arffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Probably this has been discussed before, but couldn't find those threads.
> >
> > The idea is that MarkupContainer could create components dynamically based
> on wicket:ids given in html-templates if there is no explicitly created
> component. This could be done by calling a method (for example
> getDynamicComponent(String id)) if there is no component found.
> >
> > This would make it possible to create pages and/or panels that do some
> magical things. For example you could make PojoPanel that takes an object in
> constructor. In getDynamicComponent() it would return a new label with
> PropertyModel that uses the pojo's property with same name as id. Same
> strategy could be applied to more advanced things like editors that use
> reflection to determine the type of the component.
> >
> >  @Override
> >  protected Component getDynamicComponent(String id) {
> >      return new Label(id, new PropertyModel(pojo, id));
> >  }
> >
> > I'm not a big fan of "magical" stuff, except when prototyping. The beauty
> of this approach is that you can replace all the magic later on by creating
> "real" components in the constructor. It would be a great time saver when
> designing the first versions (is this what you want - approach).
> >
> > I liked this idea so much that I made a try out to see if this is possible
> at all. I've attached the patch that contains the needed change to
> MarkupContainer. Of course it may cause all kinds of trouble, but it gives a
> clue of what I'm talking about.
> >
> > So, shoot it down...
> >
> >
> > /arto
> >

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