Another there anyway to define in the markup where the indicator should go? For example, I don't want it to show up right next to the button.
On 4/4/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hrm. ok. can you make me a quickstart project that reproduces the problem? and then i will try it against trunk and tell you if its been fixed or not.
-IgorOn 4/4/06, Steve Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Not easily. I am using Databinder which I think is tied to beta2.
SteveOn 4/4/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:can you try against trunk or beta3?
-IgorOn 4/4/06, Steve Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I am trying to make an AjaxSubmitButton that uses WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender to display a busy indicator, but it's not quite working. I used the IndicatingAjaxLink as a guideline, and everything seems to work except that the indicator does not disappear after the Ajax call is completed.
Here is my IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton class:
abstract class IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton extends AjaxSubmitButton implements IAjaxIndicatorAware {
private final WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender indicatorAppender = new WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender();
public IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton(String id, Form form) {
super(id, form);
public String getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() {
return indicatorAppender.getMarkupId ();
Here is the relevant bit of html that gets generated:
<input value="submit via ajax" type="button" wicket:id="ajax-submit-button" wicketAjaxCallMade=wicketSubmitFormById('selectForm', '/smarttag2/app?wicket:interface=:0:ajax-submit-button:-1:IUnversionedBehaviorListener&wicket:behaviorId=0' , function() { wicketHide('ajax-submit-button--ajax-indicator');});; return true;" id="ajax-submit-button"/><span style="display:none;" class="wicket-ajax-indicator" id="ajax-submit-button--ajax-indicator"><img src=""
Am I missing something?