but what if Ajax is not an option because the back-button is expected to work inbetween tab-navigation (an Ajax page looses history!)
----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.java.wicket.user
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Validations and the TabbedPanel

tabbedpanel isnt really meant to be used to cover up form components, so you are right, what you need is a tabbedpanel that uses dhtml instead of a server roundtrip.


On 4/3/06, Bennett, Timothy (JIS - Applications) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using the TabbedPanel component in a Wicket 1.1.1 application.  Works great in a read-only view mode of my data, but using the TabbedPanel to present a create/edit form for my data is proving to be a bit problematic.  One big issue I'm having is that the validators of my form components are only firing for the components that are part of the "currently selected" tab panel.  The reason is because the TabbedPanel only renders the content of the selected tab, instead of doing some show/hide magic with all the tabbed panels.
Markup for my page looks basically like:
<form wicket:id="form>
   <input wicket:id="save" type="image" src="" border="0" hspace="6" />
   <input wicket:id="cancel" type="image" src="" border="0" value="Cancel" hspace="6" />
   <span wicket:id="tabs" class="tabpanel">[tabbed panel will be here]</span>
As you can see, the TabbedPanel is inside a single form.  I need validations to fire on all the component in all the tab panels, not just the rendered panel.  My plan is to extend/modify/evolve the TabbedPanel component to (something like a TabbedFormPanel component) that effectively employs some show/hide magic so that all the panels are available in the form for validation.
Does this sound like the right approach, or am I missing something that would be simpler but accomplish the same thing...
Thanks in advance,

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