this usually means you added a component to the component tree, but it was never referenced in the markup so it was not rendered - nor will it ever be.

If you show us more code we might be able to help you more.


On 4/6/06, Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using a Loop now (on a different page).

Then I get a WicketRuntimeException: The component(s) below failed to
1. [Component id = name, page = se.optimatika.blapp.gui.PgEvaluate, path
= 3:instruments:0: name.Label, isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]

I can't see what's wrong. The component tree (on the error page) looks
ok. The toString method on ALL model objects seems to have worked.

What is usually the cause of not being able to render a component?


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> Anything would have worked as long as the list that you return is
> fresh by either using a detachable model, or one of the models that
> re-evaluate on every call, like PropertyModels or e.g. a model like:
> IModel listViewModel = new Model() {
>   Object getObject(Component c) {
>     return tmpInstrument.getCorrelations();
>   }
> }
> There is no specific advantage of Loops over ListViews in this case.
> Loops are simply designed to be a simpler but more limited version. of
> ListView.
> Eelco

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