that is something apache/mod_rewrite should do.
Don't know why this doesn't work we only set the complete path.
But a redirect has to be the full url. So tomcat really sends the complete url to the browser. But apache should rewrite that to use the virtual host address.


On 4/6/06, Andrew Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using Virtual Hosts along with mod_proxy and mod_rewrite and one thing I've noticed is that when I use a DropDownChoice along with the onSelectionChange method which simply does a setResponsePage(...), it redirects the user to the http://localhost:8080/ address instead of the address from which they originally came to the page.  Any thoughts on how to fix this?


On 4/6/06, Johan Compagner < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what you want is virtual hosting. Wicket does touch the "" It only generates the "/contextpath/servletpath/XXXXX"
And you can set the contextpath to "" so and map with apache to a different server so that http://localhost:8080/context/ is mapped to


On 4/6/06, Andrew Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But that wouldn't work for all Wicket urls.  The problem I have is that I have one war file with multiple applications.  Right now, I'm having problems mapping urls to each of those webapps.  One app uses .htm (Spring MVC) and the other is a Wicket app which is mapped based on url folder.  So, I want to be able to map to the Spring one via the .htm extension and to the Wicket app via some other extension instead of a folder.  Currently, I'm playing around with mod_proxy and mod_rewrite in Apache and forwarding the requests to Tomcat.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to do this?

On 4/5/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
did you try doing mountBookmarkablePage("/HomePage.htm", HomePage.class) ?


On 4/5/06, Andrew Berman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was wondering if there is a way in 1.2 to map Wicket's urls to an extension instead of to a directory.  For example, is it possible to do http://localhost/HomePage.htm instead of the usual http://localhost/wicket/HomePage?



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