Eelco Hillenius schrieb:
However, a framework like Wicket is not only about flow. A very
important aspect is how you organize your pages. It the basis of
object orientation to be able to categorize ideas and encapsulate
their data and behavior.

That's exactly my idea. If you *do* have a complex but well-defined flow, why not encapsulate it?

Igor said that he build a wizard with reusable panels and a state machine and I believe that it does the job well enough. But I want better than well enough :)

But like I said, I wouldn't be against exploring continuations for
Wicket in some contexts - like wizards -, if you have a good idea how
this would be combined with component orientation I'd be interested to

I have made a proposal last year:

Johan pointed out some problems and suggested an interface IContinuation. But this would require some changes in the wicket core.

Do you know any way to get around this core enhancement?

I think it should be sufficient to have one Continuation per Panel, or maybe even one per Page.


 But like you can read from that TSS thread, I just don't believe
in flow-oriented frameworks, and in fact think they put people in the
wrong mind set. But that's just me of course ;)


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