Can a wicket guru make me clear on some stuffs, infact many things but i trust one small insight from yu guys can join so many missing blocks .
Que 1: What is the implication of "Thinking in Panels" rather than "Thinking in WebPages"?. Sincerely I have never used borders.
I know Panels are used for creating custom components but how should it not be used
Can I see panels like a kind of a portlet? A segment of A page that understands its own activities without even caring what is rendered on the other part of the WebPage? Can I just move State information from one Panel to the next without even caring?
Then as long as I keep passing a Panel Reference around the application, does that mean that every member of that Panel lives in the current session? I mean when I have
public class MyPanel
private Bean myBean;
is myBean in the Session scope or in the request scope OR i should not even bother my brain matter thinking in scopes?
For instance, I had worked on an App where rather than creating many WebPages, I just have one instance of a WebPage but using my own kind of rendering idea in flipping panels (Forms, Records Lists, Menus, Search) around as I wish. For instance, Panels can even have Minimize/Maximize button allowing other panels to disappear so that the maximized on can show.
But i encountered some problems.
at some point in while flipping  Panels containing ListViews from a Database on the same instance of a WebPage, some updated or deleted record in the database could just show up at some point even though i had deleted or edited them from the database. I  used a Detachable Model for my lists. I wasnt really sure what the problem could be but i felt like its not a good idea "Thinking in Panels? is it?
Que 2: How can I ensure that My Record Listing Panel at all times synchronizes properly. I saw refreshing view in wicket-extensions, is this the answer?
Que 3: Then another question,
In my Hibernate Design,
I have a Panel that contains all CRUD Transaction Code and then all Panels willing to carry out CRUD operation extends this Panel Class. is this a good design?
Thank you.

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