
I know this is slightly off-topic, but I wonder if anyone ever solved this: I have a gallery application that takes a directory and reads out all the images.(Actually I use two directories, one for thumbnails and one for the hires version). I use PopupSettings to open a new window with the appropriate size for the hires image. As I am coming from PHP I am used to a very quick function-call to find the size of an image. In Java I have to read the whole image into memory, which takes very long in terms of request-time.

I tried Jimi/ImageIO and even Swing-ImageIcon.


            BufferedImage image = null;
            try {
image = ImageIO.read(new File(localHiresPath.toString ()));
            } catch (IOException exc) {


           if (image != null) {

                ImageModel model = new ImageModel();

Is there any better/fast way to achive this? Maybe some nice wicket functionality?

Thank you for any help.


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