Howdy All,

I am new to Wicket, just looking around for an appropriate Web framework to use on my next project.  

I would like to know if Wicket can (or will shortly be able to) generate HTML elements (as well as doing all the other things it can do).  By this I mean something like the old Element Construction Set (ECS) or perhaps even Swinglets.

I've seen some discussion of this on the mailing list archive (although it is hard to follow threads via the archive), but it was mainly relating to Wicket possibly auto-generating prototype HTML if a HTML file was not available.  

I also understand that Wicket usually works with a HTML file and some may suggest using a Wicket panel for each possible element I wish to construct.  That may be a possible but it doesn't seem elegant.

However, I can't see why Wicket couldn't generate HTML when required, for very dynamic parts of a Web page.  Wicket seems to have classes corresponding to most (if not all) HTML elements already.

Of course, most dynamic Web pages won't need this, they just want to slot some dynamic content in an already setup HTML template, but I can also see where full dynamic control of the tags and content could be useful.  

Sorry if I have misunderstood how Wicket works.  Any comments, or suggestions, would be most appreciated.  




Ashley Aitken

Perth, Western Australia

mrhatken at mac dot com

Skype Name: MrHatken (GMT + 8 Hours!)

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