Hi John (et al.),

On 05/05/2006, at 7:46 PM, John Patterson wrote:

Ashley Aitken wrote:
So the pages are only serialised when the session is serialised for replication.  I am not sure how Wicket (or if it is even within Wicket's scope) handles replication/clustering, but if one were using sticking sessions (sessions mapped to the same server in the cluster) then I guess one wouldn't need to serialise the session or pages at all.  Does that sound right?

Pages are also serialized when a new browser window is opened - the current page is cloned (via serialization) and placed in a new PageMap.  This would occur, for example, if the user clicks on a link to your site in an email which usually opens the page in a new window.  Also when a your page creates a pop-up window explicitly or the user opens a link in a new tab.

Ok, thanks for that information.  

I don't fully understand why wicket needs to clone the page rather than just moving the page into the new page map?

I believe Wicket does this so it can operate correctly no matter which path the user choose (e.g. to continue in the new page, to still work in the old page, or both).  Cloning (through serialisation) the page makes sure you have two copies of the state. 

Now, don't take that for the gospel (because as you can see I am just learning) but I believe it to be the case.




Ashley Aitken

Perth, Western Australia

mrhatken at mac dot com

Skype Name: MrHatken (GMT + 8 Hours!)

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